Professional Pest Control Services in Idaho Falls, ID

Count On a Team With 40+ Years of Experience. We Offer Free Estimates For Pest Control Services In Southeast Idaho.

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Our Services


Rely On Our Pest Control Company In Idaho Falls, ID.


No matter your problem, our experts know how to rid your home of household pests. We will customize our treatment based on your needs.

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Businesses have pest problems too. Don't let a bug or rodent problem be the reason you are losing business. We offer a customized commercial plan for local businesses.

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Have a difficult or unique pest problem? We can help! With over 40 years of experience, there isn't a pest in Southeast Idaho that we don't know how to handle. Let us help.  

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Trust us to safely remove birds and bats. There is a way to handle this without making your building look medieval. Give us a call and we can walk you through how.

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Your Pests Are Our Problem

Pests of all kinds are unwelcome guests on your property. If you find yourself dealing with bugs, rodents, and other little problems, turn to our professionals for help. Our services include:

  • General Pest Control

    Quarterly treatments for pests like spiders, ants, wasps and earwigs.

  • Specialty Pest Control

    Treatments for difficult pests like rodents, bed bugs, voles, mosquitoes and flies.

  • Pigeon and Bird Removal

    Trapping and excluding pigeons, bats, starlings, sparrows and more.

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Get Your Pest Problem Under Control.

Are there spiders hiding in every corner of your home? Have bed bugs infiltrated your space? When you need to hire a pest control company, turn to Fusion Pest Control in Idaho Falls, ID. With nearly a decade of experience in the pest control industry, our exterminators know how to keep pests out of your residential or commercial space. Plus, we use high-quality, effective treatment methods that keep costs down while providing outstanding results.

With help from our 
local pest control company, you won't have to worry about pests in your home. Contact us now if you have a pest problem. We're licensed and certified by public health organizations to treat mosquitoes and bed bugs. Plus, we offer free inspections and 25% off for first-time customers. You can even call us for same-day services if you're in a pinch. Call 208-821-2952 today to reach an exterminator.

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What Fusion Pest Control Customers Are Saying

"The owner came out to my house to spray, and he was very professional and communicated everything very clearly. I'm very happy with the service and plan on using him for years to come!"


"Fusion is always on time with my treatments of my house. When asked to do the inside of the house, they come as soon as they have an opening. No spiders and bugs in my house, now!"

Jim Marvel

"Matt Reed - Great Business man and Community Partner, has a great vision for success and customer satisfaction"

Jason Yorgesen

"Matt and his staff are on time and very respectful. They are professional and are willing to answer all of your questions."

Dave Nielsen

"Matt is the only person I have ever hired after he knocked on my door. This speaks to the degree of trust he inspires in an instant. He is now managing my gophers, mice, mosquitos, and indoor flies, and I could not be more enthusiastic about his service. Matt is communicative, direct, and clearly thoroughly committed to his craft. I plan to hire him and his crew regularly into the future. If you're reading this review, I tell you that you have found your best choice for pest control."

Lawrence Geoffrey Abraham

"I have not used this company yet but I wanted to say, Matt is awesome. He is friendly and seems very knowledgeable about bugs and killing them. He was able to find all the wasp nests that I haven't even noticed. I will probably be calling them at some point. They have a good price too."

Amy Kloud

"We are so happy that Matt knocked on our door! Our old farmhouse had an obvious mouse problem and his bait stations have been a game changer. The mice haven't made it inside since the stations have been placed around the exterior and when found, are already dead. A quarterly spray for bugs and spiders has also eliminated all signs of hobo spiders giving us the peace of mind that our kids can safely play without any spiders or bugs. The price is great and I get a reminder for quarterly visits, one less thing to remember to do. Would highly recommend Fusion Pest Control."

Syndee Rasmussen

"We have been using them for over a year now and wouldn't hire any other company! No more spiders!"

Ashely Reed

"We changed to this company and like it much better! Great service."

Michael Reed

"Good quality pest control! I haven't seen any spiders since!"

Molly Orme

Recent Blog Articles

03 Apr, 2024
Regular Pest Control For Your Idaho Falls Business Is An Investment! In the world of business, every dollar counts. Unforeseen expenses can eat into your profits, impacting your bottom line. One such hidden expense comes in the form of pests. By investing in regular pest control, you can save your business money in the long run. Let's explore how. Here are five different reasons regular pest control services for your Idaho Falls business can potentially save you money: 1. Regular pest control service prevents damage caused by pests. Pests like rodents, insects, and birds can cause significant damage to your commercial property. They chew through wires, burrow into walls, and contaminate food supplies. The cost of repairing this damage can quickly add up. Regular pest control services can prevent these issues, saving you the expense of major repairs down the line. 2. Having a pest-free business helps your reputation. In addition to physical damage, pests can harm your reputation. In the age of online reviews and social media, word of a pest problem can spread quickly, deterring potential customers. The loss of business can be far more costly than the price of a regular pest control service. 3. Pests can be a HUGE liability. Furthermore, a pest infestation can lead to legal troubles. Businesses, especially those in the food and hospitality industries, are required to adhere to health and safety standards, which include pest control. Failure to comply can result in hefty fines or even closure. Regular pest control services ensure you meet these standards, avoiding legal penalties. 4. Out-of-control pest issues can lower efficiency. Investing in regular pest control can also increase your business's productivity. Pests can be a distraction for your employees, reducing their efficiency. They can even pose health risks, leading to sick days and decreased morale. By ensuring a pest-free environment, you boost productivity and employee satisfaction. 5. Having a regularly scheduled professional service brings peace of mind. Finally, regular pest control services can provide peace of mind. You have enough to worry about running your business without the added stress of a potential pest problem. Knowing that you have a professional team taking care of it allows you to focus on what you do best: serving your customers and growing your business. In conclusion, regular pest control is not just an expense— it's an investment . It can save your business money by preventing costly damages, protecting your reputation, avoiding legal issues, increasing productivity, and providing peace of mind. So don't wait until you have a pest problem to take action and don't try and tackle it alone. Here at Fusion Pest Control , we have years of experience helping multiple businesses in Southeast Idaho stay pest-free. The commercial industry can be tough to navigate - let us help! Invest in regular pest control services and see the benefits for your bottom line.
02 Jan, 2024
Living in Idaho Falls, Idaho, offers people unlimited ways to enjoy unique outdoor activities. Sitting alongside the Snake River, close to Yellowstone, and not far from the Grand Tetons, it is a destination that offers fun-filled activities all year round. When your city hosts many travelers, the bed bug is one pesky insect that often rides into town. Without pest control in Idaho Falls , bed bugs that cross your threshold will soon start making life miserable. Bed Bug Detection: How To Spot And Confirm An Infestation Bed bugs are world travelers who have a taste for human blood. They often hide in public areas where people congregate to wait for someone or something to transport them to new locations. Typically, folks have their first sign of a bed bug issue when they wake up with bites. Bed bug bites are generally red and itchy and appear in clusters or lines. Since bites alone can’t confirm an infestation, homeowners should always look for other bed bug signs. Four additional early signs of bed bugs include: Dark rust-colored marks/spots (fecal matter) on fabrics and bedding (like a bleeding marker) A musty odor (heavy infestations) Pale-colored casings/eggshells and molted skins Seeing brownish-red bugs about the size of an apple seed (especially around beds) It doesn’t take long before bed bug infestations become undeniable. If you suspect an infestation has begun, it’s essential to contact a pest professional like Fusion Pest Control for bed bug pest control near you. Why You Should Never Leave A Bed Bug Infestation Untreated Like most issues that come into a person’s life, ignoring bed bugs doesn’t make them disappear. When it comes to a bed bug infestation, it only makes things worse! Once bed bugs enter homes, they typically head toward bedrooms, where blood supplies are plentiful, and reproduction can get started. Females can produce one to five eggs daily; that totals anywhere from 365 to 1,825 eggs yearly for each individual. Eggs typically hatch after ten days, with nymphs reaching adulthood around day 21. As populations expand, bed bugs often migrate to other areas of your home to obtain new blood supplies; they’ll even feast on your pets if they get desperate. Bed bugs that get comfy in dwellings are hard to remove – even the professionals agree they are formidable foes. With this type of tenacious pest, it is always best to partner with an expert like Fusion Pest Control. We offer bed bug control in Idaho Falls that can remove immediate infestations and help prevent future problems. Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite: Contact The Pros Right Away Homeowners can stop bed bugs in Idaho Falls from biting when they contact the pros at Fusion Pest Control as soon as they suspect an infestation. Our company has nearly a decade of experience and offers high-quality pest control solutions that help solve your pest control concerns. Our local, family-owned and operated company uses high-quality treatments and affordable pricing to protect homes while keeping costs down. Fusion Pest Control offers customers a free inspection and a coupon for 25% off your first service, so don’t delay; call us today. Long-Term Bed Bug Prevention: Tips To Prevent Reinfestation Keeping bed bugs out of your home for the long haul comes down to awareness. When spending time in a hotel, motel, rental home, or bed and breakfast establishment, keep suitcases off the ground, check your bedding, and around headboards and frames for signs of bed bugs. After traveling, it is always best to vacuum suitcases and bags and wash and dry clothing (even those you didn’t use) with hot water and heat. If you’re a bargain shopper – beware. Bed bugs can attach themselves to secondhand items and ride into your home. It is essential to thoroughly check your bargains before bringing them into your home. Long-term prevention is doable when you stay aware of bed bug traveling habits and take steps to remain watchful. When and if bed bugs do manage to slip through your defenses, it’s good to know there’s a trusted bed bug control company near you, like Fusion Pest Control, who can help remove them from Idaho Falls homes.
02 Jan, 2024
If you live in Idaho Falls, you're likely no stranger to the buzzing and biting of mosquitoes. These pesky insects can quickly turn a beautiful summer evening into an itchy and uncomfortable nightmare. Luckily, with the right pest control in Idaho Falls , you can minimize the number of mosquitoes around your property and enjoy the great outdoors in peace. In this article, we'll provide some tips and tricks to help you get rid of mosquitoes and prevent them from returning. Whether planning a backyard BBQ or just relaxing on your porch, these strategies will help keep mosquitoes away. Why Mosquitoes Thrive Around Idaho Falls Properties In The Summer As the temperatures rise in Idaho Falls, so does the fear of mosquitoes. These insects are not only a nuisance but can also carry dangerous diseases like the West Nile virus. But have you ever wondered why mosquitoes seem to thrive around Idaho Falls properties in the summer? One reason is the abundance of standing water, which provides the perfect breeding ground for them and can include everything from birdbaths to puddles. The warm weather and humidity also create the ideal environment for mosquitoes in Idaho Falls to thrive. By understanding the reasons behind their prevalence, you can take proactive steps to minimize their impact on your property. Five Tips To Keep Mosquitoes Away From Your Idaho Falls Property If you're tired of swatting away mosquitoes every time you step outside in Idaho Falls, you're not alone. But before you reach for the bug spray, consider these five tips to keep mosquitoes away from your property. Eliminate standing water: Remove any sources of standing water around your property, such as buckets, birdbaths, and clogged gutters. These areas are where mosquitoes like to breed. Use essential oils to deter mosquitoes: Certain essential oils, like citronella, lavender, and peppermint, can help repel mosquitoes. Try lighting candles or diffusing these oils around your property. Install screens: Make sure all windows and doors have screens to keep mosquitoes out of your house. Wear protective clothing: Cover up with long sleeves and pants, especially during peak mosquito hours at dawn and dusk. Use mosquito nets: If you plan on spending time outdoors, consider using mosquito nets over seating areas or sleeping areas to keep mosquitoes at bay. By following these tips, you can enjoy the summer weather in Idaho Falls without the constant buzzing and biting. Why Mosquito Problems Can Be More Than Just A Nuisance Mosquitoes can be a major nuisance in Idaho Falls, but they can also pose a serious health risk. These insects can carry and transmit diseases like West Nile virus, Zika virus, and malaria, which can have serious consequences for those infected. While the risk of contracting these diseases may be relatively low, it's important to take measures to minimize the presence of mosquitoes around your property, just in case. To help reduce the number of mosquitoes on your property, get rid of standing water and use mosquito nets. Also, wear protective clothing outdoors to prevent bites. By taking these precautions, you can reduce your risk of contracting diseases you can get from mosquitoes and enjoy the outdoors in peace. What To Do If Mosquitoes Have Started Buzzing Around Idaho Falls If mosquitoes have started buzzing around your Idaho Falls property and leaving itchy mosquito bites, don't panic. If you've tried all the preventative steps to minimize their impact and they're still around, it's time to consider professional help. At Fusion Pest Control, we offer effective home pest control services in Idaho Falls to eliminate mosquito infestations and keep your property mosquito-free. With our expertise and customized solutions, you can enjoy the outdoors in peace without the annoyance of mosquitoes and mosquito bites. If you're facing a mosquito problem, let us help you today.
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